Finely restored Steinway A 6ft 3in 1898


Highly recommended Steinway model A grand pianos are one of the more commonly available Steinway pianos in the UK. For availability please check

Pianos fade with time if next to a window and the lid is closed on a wooden piano the part out of the light will fade, we recommend opening and closing the lid at intervals to make sure it bleaches evenly.

?Where possible move the piano away from natural light.

The restorer of this piano replaced the metal work with chrome bookholders, pedals, and lock.

This type of French polish is very refined with a deep wooden grain.

Older Steinway’s are 85 notes.

We have another Steinway Model O 5’10” (in stock), as well as a this Steinway Model A 6’3″.

Interestingly you may find the date of your Steinway in the metal cast at the back of the piano.

The tuning pins are tight which means the tuning wrestplank is in good condition.

The bass of a Steinway model A is very rich, the shorted model O is slighly less resonant for the length. This older Steinway model A hast a rich tone, without any compromise in the break point where the copper wound strings reach the steel whire strings.

We are happy with the restoration done on the piano and can guarantee the craftmanship. The parts and work were expertly carried out, in this case by another restorer.

The key is weighted well at 50 grams, with a low up-weight, this piano is very pleasing to play. The upweight is to do with choice of hamemrs levers and action parts reducing friction whilst acting correctly to touch.

For a current stocklist please check our current stock list of pianos for sale.