Sell My Blüthner Piano

Bechstein piano valuation

(Valuation form on the bottom of the page)

 Bluthner Grand Piano

If you are looking to sell your Bluthner we purchase Bluthner grand and baby grands as well as Bluthner uprights that are underdamped.


Valuation form


These are the older ones dating from about 1890 to 1925. The action is simpler in design from the normal roller action found in nearly all other pianos. It has the advantage of being smoother, usually lighter. The action doesn’t repeat as fast as the roller action, but this is not very noticeable in normal playing. The most common colours are black (60%) and rosewood (40%). They nearly all have turned legs and a slatted or fretted music desk.


These date from about 1925 onwards. By far the most common is the style 4 baby grand, 4ft 11in, which is one of the best baby grand pianos ever made. It has a smooth touch and fine “silky” tone. About 55% are mahogany, 35% walnut and 10% black. They are simple in style with plain music desk and square tapered legs. Important note: many Bluthner style 4 baby grand pianos from 1925 to 1939 need to have the “action standards” replaced as they bow outwards, making correct regulation impossible. This work and the re-regulation costs about £1200 (2013).


These date from about 1925 onwards. By far the most common is the style 4 baby grand, 4ft 11in, which is one of the best baby grand pianos ever made. It has a smooth touch and fine “silky” tone. About 55% are mahogany, 35% walnut and 10% black. They are simple in style with plain music desk and square tapered legs. Important note: many Bluthner style 4 baby grand pianos from 1925 to 1939 need to have the “action standards” replaced as they bow outwards, making correct regulation impossible. This work and the re-regulation costs about £1200 (2013).


Overdamper,overstrung and straight strung pianos

These date from about 1888 to 1920. They are very rich in tone. The main drawback is the overdamper system. Bluthner overdampers are some of the best, but as with all overdampers, they tend to “ring on” too much in the mid treble since the dampers are too close to the top of the strings. Mostly black (60%) or rosewood (40%)

Underdamper, straight and overstrung pianos

These have a fine rich tone and the taller ones a superb action. Mostly rosewood (60%) or black (40%).


We’ve found considerable inconsistency in the tone of Bluthner overstrung underdampers (not the straight strung ones). They often have areas that sound “boomy”, particularly in the mid treble. consequently we are very careful when buying Bluthners into stock. For further information, see our Bluthner page.

For a quote on your piano please click here with piano make, model, serial number, estimated age and pictures of the piano. Other makes of piano that we are looking for: Challen, Fazer (upright), Feurich, Gors and Kallman, Ibach, John Broadwood, Kaps (upright), Kawai, Kemble, Knight, Richard Lipp (grand), Sauter, Seiler, Steinway, Welmar,… Please enquire for other makes.